Monthly Archives: December 2009

Dispatch from Germany

So the Chop is Spending New Years’ in the Fatherland, for what its worth. We will go on the record as saying “balls.” Herr Chop does not endorse New Years’. Or any drinking holiday for that matter. We view NYE, 5deMayo, St. Pats and the like as being strictly amateur night. Paying double for everything, staying out until 5 am, and fighting with the rabble who are just so determined to party is not our idea of a good time. Besides, this all runs counter to our whole philosophy, which is:

You should be out living the good life every night, and not need an excuse to enjoy yourself.

Besides, New Years’ is such an arbitrary concept. As a true son of Baltimore, we prefer to celebrate the start of our year on the opening day of baseball season. It is only then that the sun shines, the beer is cold, and hope springs eternal.

In other news, the Chop is exactly 3/8 of the way through our european exursion. We’ve had the following brilliant ideas:

1/ Roommate should make a low ball offer on the house next door. He could get rehab financing and continue to live in our house while he oversaw the renovations. in the end, He’s have a custom rehab for a hell of a low price, and get to live next door permanently.

2/ Maybe the Chop ought to go into business. If we opened business A, and ran it according to business plan B, it would probably be just what Baltimore needs.

3/ The Big Idea! We’re going to get to work on the Big Idea as soon as we get home. It will be fully documented in these pages for your reading enjoyment at that time. All we can say now is… its going to be life-changing. And epic. And the greatest thing that ever happened to us.

Stay tuned.


Filed under A Day in the Life of the Chop