Tag Archives: Demonstration

Occupy Liam Flynn’s: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup

Tomorrow is the second Wednesday of the month, and as usual some of Baltimore’s finest progressives of all stripes will gather for pints and politics in Station North. The Baltimore Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets twice a month at Joe Squared, Liam Flynn’s Ale House, which will be our new home for the Winter months. Meetings are 7 pm til whenever, and open to all. Just look for the big red, white and blue bottle on the table.

Of course the big story in the news right now is the Occupy Wall Street movement, which has now spread to more than 100 cities including our own. What was at first all but a non-story has become an ongoing top national headline for the last week or so. While much of that is attributable to those in the movement who are especially tech savvy, we suspect a lot of it has to do with just plain good luck. There’s not a whole hell of a lot else happening at the moment. The news has been pretty slow this week overall, so all we’ve got to blog about is Occupy.

We’re certainly no expert in protest and demonstration tactics, but we do know that the main thing in any protest is just showing up- boots on the ground, bodies in the crowd. The Participants have done a decent job of that, but unfortunately that’s about all they’ve done so far. It’s kind of like that scene in The Jerk where Navin is asked if he’d like to be president of Shell Oil. You don’t get to run the whole system just by showing up.

Ever since the movement came to Baltimore, we’ve been in an odd position. We’re actually very sympathetic to this cause, yet all we’ve done all week is find ourselves making snarky wisecracks at the Participants’ expense. We were at the harbor during the first day of the protest, when it was mainly 20-something kids from middle class backgrounds playing campout. Those kids are easy enough to make fun of, but the truth is we felt a little guilty about not participating. (Not much.) Stopping by again Yesterday morning though, the entire face of the thing had changed. people who are used to sleeping in nice beds and eating 3 square meals a day all seemed to have found their way out of McKeldin Square, and the only people we could see about all looked like they’d recently fallen off a boxcar.

Littered signs outnumber people down there now. There’s composting going on. People have staked out their own little areas and are going about their daily ablutions in a way that makes us think that they are not the 99% but are in fact the other one percent. The one percent that is perfectly comfortable not showering for a week on end; that eats food directly from cans, that actually sees itself as America’s happy, noble poor and likes it that way.

The real 99% don’t find anything particularly noble about living in poverty, and are not happy being poor. And things are going to have to get a lot worse for them before they start showing up to occupy.


Filed under Bi-Weekly Political Roundup

Bmore Local Rally, Stoop Storytelling in Baltimore Tonight

What’s that Baltimore? You hate Mondays and you worked really hard all day and those reports are due and that meeting was a snoozer and the intern is incompetent and all you want to do is flop down on the couch and eat chocolate Cheerios for dinner and pass out?

Well, forget it. The Chop has plans for you today.

Bmore Local rallies to stop Wal-Mart at City Hall today. 4 pm.

Today, as soon as you get out of work, you’re heading straight down to City Hall to attend the Bmore Local coming out party/ meeting and rally at City Hall, as mentioned in the Mobtown Shank blog late last week. Today’s rally is a direct response to councilwoman Belinda Conaway’s plan to introduce the PUD for the 25th Street Station project, including a 24 hour Wal-Mart.

We can’t say we know too much about Bmore Local as yet, but the Chop definitely aims to show up and find out what they’re about. We’re really hoping this is the larger citywide Wal-Mart opposition we’ve been waiting for.

For more on the Wal-Mart proposal, be sure to check out the Shank as well as the Baltidome Blog.

Stoop Storytelling weaves a yarn at Centerstage tonight. 7 pm.

The good news is that after you sit through most of a boring council meeting, you get to head up Calvert Street to Centerstage for this month’s installment of the Stoop Storytelling Series. You can even get your tickets now to save time and avoid a sellout. Tonight’s topic is ‘Behind the Muse”, in which artists and creative types give their take on the creative process.

You might be wondering what it takes to create a daily blog, but the answer to that is simple: a liberal amount of Scotch, a Google calendar, a touch of internet porn, and a whole lot of righteous indignation.


Bmore Local rallies on the steps of City Hall, 100 N. Holliday St. at 4 pm. City Council meeting begins at 5 pm.

Stoop Storytelling kicks off with a cocktail reception and live music at 7 pm, show begins at 8 pm. Centerstage is at 700 N. Calvert St. 410-332-0033

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Filed under Baltimore Events, Politics, Theater