Tag Archives: Highlandtown

Restaurant Food!

For reasons we won’t detail here, the Chop sampled less of Europe’s better restaurants than we would have liked. In point of fact, most of the cuisine we did sample this winter was found to be severely wanting.

"The Nicest Little Bar in Baltimore" 3531 Gough Street

So it occurs to us that since we’ve been back, we haven’t sat down to eat a proper restaurant meal. As good a cook as the Chop may be, there’s nothing to compare to sitting down with good company and picking out something you couldn’t or wouldn’t cook at home. Salads, appetizers, soup, dessert… contrary to the saying, if you want it done right, have someone else do it.

So after Daniel Shea’s lecture tonight, we’re going to sit ourselves down for the full course treatment; very possibly at one of our favorites, the Laughing Pint, one of Baltimore’s most overlooked taverns, and also one of the best vegetarian menus available anywhere in town.


Filed under A Day in the Life of the Chop