Tag Archives: Load of Fun Studios

Gilded Lily Burlesque @ Windup Space Tonight

“I hate my girlfriend, she she she
Lies on the beach like a barrier reef.
Soaking up the stupid sun,
While the radio is blasting; fun, fun fun!

I don’t wanna be on the beach, no fun!”

The Dead Milkmen said it best (ahem) 25 years ago in Beach Song, and their words still ring true today. The Chop has seen enough oceans that they’re not really a draw anymore, and price-wise OC is comprable to the Bahamas, Mexico, or any number of more exotic resorts. Somehow crappy paintings, sexist t-shirts and sand sculptures of Jesus just aren’t as exciting as they used to be.

Ocean City does have one big redeeming quality in its favor though… namely beautiful women wearing next-to-nothing and acting scandalously.

Gilded Lily Burlesque makes you say 'What beach?' at the Windup Space Tonight. 8 pm doors.

What’s that you say? We don’t have to sit through Bay Bridge traffic, suffer sunburns and get sand in our shorts? We can see the ravishingly raunchy vixens of Gilded Lily Burlesque at the Windup Space instead? Sold. Done. Front row, suckers!

And just like yesterday, we’re in prime position to sneak over to Load of Fun and hit up day one of the Wild Style Reunion.

But we hope you all have fun with your Buffett cover bands and jellyfish stings.


The Windup Space is at 10 W. North Ave.

Load of Fun is at 120 W. North Ave.

And yes, we are a little bitter we’re not at the beach, Ok?


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Filed under Baltimore Events, Other

LandSpeedRecord!, Free Electric State @ Windup Space Tonight

LandSpeedRecord! is a cool band. Don’t argue with us. Of course they’re a cool band. Why would we write about them if they weren’t? Do you think we made this blog just to tell you about bands that are not cool? That would be dumb. You know what’s not dumb? LandSpeedRecord!, that’s what. Which is why you should go see them at the Windup Space tonight.

LandSpeedRecord ruins your good hair day at the Windup Space tonight. 9 pm doors.

How do we know LandSpeedRecord! is cool, and does not suck? Because we’ve seen them before, duh, and frankly it’s been too long. We also know that they’re cool because they put out 7 records. Has your band put out 7 records? No, of course you haven’t. But LandSpeedRecord! did and they all sound good, up to and including their new release Unfailurelessness.

We could take this opportunity to engage in a fun game of “try to describe their sound by naming a slew of other bands who sound vaguely sort-of like them but not really”, but instead we will just make an analogy, which you can copy down and remember for your SAT’s…

LandSpeedRecord! : Baltimore :: The Dismemberment Plan : DC

Simple enough? The real reason we like LSR! though is because you can dance to them. Not only can you dance, you can also cook dinner to them, or drive down a road or cut your grass or drink or go to the golf ball driving range. This band is so versatile that whatever you happen to be doing, they’ll provide the perfect soundtrack to it.

They’re playing tonight with Free Electric State, who in another time and place were members of Liquor Bike, but now sound nothing like Liquor Bike at all. Apparently between this show, the Puddle/Penny Regime/Pulaski reunion and Maryland Death Fest, it’s actually the summer of ’96 this weekend.

Or maybe it’s the Summer of 1982. It is entirely possible that the best thing about this show is that it’s a block away from Load of Fun Studios, which will easily allow us to be in two places at once since we’re also excited for the Wild Style Reunion this weekend.

This is so cool, we’re not even going to write about it. Just click the link, cancel your beach plans, and go to it.


The Windup Space is at 10 W. North Ave.

Load of Fun is at 120 W. North Ave.


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Filed under Baltimore Events, shows